Five Nights At Treasure Island Remastered 1.0 Wikia
" it's very important that you make noise somewhere else in the building.
This page includes the Sound files of Five Nights at Treasure Island, but beware, some of the sounds are very loud, and if you have issues over loud noises, make sure you turn your volume down, or don't listen to it.

Thank you!


'The sound of when changing a Camera

'The sound of when shutting off a Camera

'Picking up the tablet


'The sound when hiding under the desk

'The sound when getting out from under the desk

Photo-Negative Mickey

Photo-Negative Mickey saying "hey".

Photo-Negative Mickey saying "wanna see my head come off".(Loud)

Photo-Negative Mickey's alternate way of saying "hey".(Loud)

Photo-Negative Mickey saying "wanna see my head come off".(Loud)

Photo-Negative Mickey laughing.

Photo-Negative Mickey laughing.

Photo-Negative Mickey's screech.


"Bless your soul"

Don't bless this one

Have mercy on me please...I only ask for peace

God? God? God?

God? Where are you God?'

God? Do you see me?

I know you're here so, please bless me, and help me out here

Oswald's scream


"Hear Me" (Loud)

"Hear me..." (Faint)

"I thought you loved me"

"Do you think, leaving me here, would proove anything?"

"I called for help..But you, didn't listen"

"I'm still here"

"Have A Heart...Please..."

Acephalous's screech

The Face

The Face's bang sound

The Face's second bang sound

The Face walking

The Face moving

The Face's screech

Photo Negative Minnie

Minnie Laughing

Minnie saying "This isn't how it was supposed to be"

Minnie saying "Why do i exist?"

Minnie's scream

Suicide Mouse

Suicide Mouse's music, as heard in the Creepypasta

Suicide Mouse's screech


Disembodied's Quacks (WARNING LOUD)


Awww you're soft kids

He is here my Children

Your life..It's almost over


I Will not have mercy.

I am here for revenge.

I won't forgive you.


Why am i here ?

Why am i here ? (2nd version)

Leave me Alone.

Leave me Alone. (2nd version)

Why did you do it?

Why did you do it? (2nd version)


I will tear your head off.

It's your time to suffer.

This time, you won't only be scared.

I will scare you to death.

Phone Calls

Night 1 Call

Night 2 Call

Night 3 Call
